KUBE Ventures launches in UAE

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KUBE has been attracting some of the world’s foremost entrepreneurs and disruptors in the hospitality space ever since its establishment. It was both inspired and created by Michael Levie and David Keen and they have a single purpose which is to drive transformation by incubating and accelerating hospitality start-ups. And the most notable thing about it is that each one shares the values of the founders and a drive to create fundamental change.

KUBE’s goal is pretty simple and it’s to incubate and accelerate value-driven startups that will collectively re-imagine global hospitality. They help startups by creating and partnering with them while leveraging two crucial entities to empower new ideas which are KUBE Conscience and KUBE Circle.

On one hand, KUBE Circle helps by bringing leaders, veterans, and visionaries together in the hospitality industry. And the method is similar to the club-like concept. The community however forms a global think tank that’s used for sharing knowledge, networking, and education. It also works by being it sown catalyst of startups.

Then comes about KUBE Conscience which governs KUBE Ventures. It works through an appointed board to measure the values and potential of each entity. KUBE Conscience stands as a moral gateway while KUBE Circle acts as the rich mind of the system.

Both David and Michael chose AHIC as the forum for launching KUBE Ventures. And as the destination asserts its credentials as a hub for investment for value-driven start-ups across the world. KUBE ventures have hopes to overcome hospitality’s greatest challenges through working with new entities by fostering them so that innovation may come through.

“We want to give back to the hospitality industry. All of our shareholders have united with a crystal-clear purpose. We want to catalyze transformation: be it in technology, operations, or human resources”, says KUBE Ventures founder Michael Levie.

When asked why now and why KUBE, David Keen adds, “The moment is now. The post-pandemic era is one of extraordinary opportunity. Our purpose is to realize our industry’s potential and to bring it up to par with the world’s most dynamic industries and organizations”.