Laverie raised six-figures funding round

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Laverie was founded back in 2018 and has been fully operational ever since. They’ve already processed more than 60k items from a very popular client base of over 4k active registered users from the platform. The platform provides fully digitized laundry services to the clients along with order tracking features and different payment options for seamless transactions.

Mohab Aloush and Ayman Gaballah, the founders of Laverie have brought their expertise and experience of over 20 years in business development, software solutions, and the most important of all, digital transformation across industries and multinationals. The company was joined by Hani Salama who is the new CEO of Laverie. He has already been running his family-owned laundry business which is 30 years old. The company aims at disrupting and expanding its platform service qualities and levels for on-demand consumers across Egypt.

“Partnering with A15 is a pivotal milestone for Laverie and we are thrilled to be a portfolio company of such a leading and impactful tech investor. We are excited to have access to A15’s team of experts who will help build capabilities across different functions through its venture development program as well as use its network and offices for future regional expansion,” said the Co-Founder of Laverie, Ayman Gaballah.

“I am very excited about joining Laverie and having the opportunity to converge the 30 years of my family-owned laundry business experience into Laverie’s innovative digital model, along with the new services that will be added to our portfolio. We are looking forward to fine-tuning a localized model capable of scaling in the Gulf countries with the support of our stakeholders soon. The revolution in digital services is touching upon all sectors, and I see a great potential & need in the laundry market in Egypt for transformation and makeover. With a capable team such as Laverie’s, we can expect to disrupt the industry”, said the current CEO of Laverie, Hani Salama.

With its latest funds, the company already has made plans to expand its platform across Egypt providing easy and premium access to premium laundry services for on-demand consumers. Their current plan includes providing their services to a wider range of clients in the Greater Cairo area and that’s not all. Their plan also includes expanding their operations to the GCC within the next two years.