Home Crypto


Crypto is a broad term referring to cryptography currencies dominated by Bitcoin and Ethereum. Articles relating to Middle East & North Africa cryptocurrencies, blockchain, DeFi, dWeb, NFTs, dApps, tokens, exchanges and service providers with relations to MENA will be covered here.

dfsa logo
The DFSA or the Dubai Financial Services Authority is putting on extra efforts to provide more standardized framework solutions for their regulations toward cryptocurrency. Dubai’s financial regulators have already called on members of the public on 5th April to submit their comments on the proposed regulatory changes for cryptocurrency. The...
Sina Estavi
In an exclusive breaking story sent to us by a source inside a Middle East anti-financial crime institution, it is alleged the Iranians behind Bridge Oracle and the BRG token which is a company setup in Malaysia but Iranian owned may be violating US trade sanctions, allowing Americans to...
BitOasis logo
It was announced that the Dubai-based popular digitized resource exchanging platform BitOasis has been conceded a Financial Services Permission (FSP) from the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) in the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM). The firm said that it is presently pursuing the relocation of its tasks towards their launch...
MENA cryptocurrency
Despite having misconceptions in the MENA region on crypto coins over regulatory issues and having concerted efforts to stutter the growth of crypto, the new currency continues to gain more and more acceptance as days go by in the MENA trading. The leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin traded higher this week rising...
Bitcoin bubble
It’s been already established among the crypto fans that bitcoins are the new hot investment trends that will stick to the economy. But unfortunately, professional investors think otherwise and completely opposite referencing from the BofA survey and that’s not all. The survey was pretty solid and among those surveyed in...
Dubai property token
The Dubai Land Department (DLD) has launched a real estate tokenization pilot program, becoming the first property registration authority in the Middle East to use blockchain technology for property title deeds. What is Real Estate Tokenization? Real estate tokenization involves converting property assets into digital tokens that can be bought, sold,...
Saxo bank logo
Danish exchanging and venture expert Saxo Bank is dispatching another digital crypto platform, permitting customers from the Middle East and North Africa to exchange crypto coins against some significant monetary standards.  The Crypto FX will let financial backers exchange Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin against euros, dollars, and yen from...
Arms & Mcgregor logo
Dubai's real estate consultancy firm Arms and McGregor International Realty has joined forces up with Slovenian-based Blocksquare to assemble the MENA's first tokenization platform, making it ready for exchanging, possessing, and selling property resources through exchanging advanced tokens. Arms and McGregor is yearning about the capability of the platform,...
Dubai - UAE
Introduction The concept of blockchains was combined with other technologies to create modern cryptocurrency by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008. This technology gained widespread awareness and acceptance with the launch of Bitcoin in the year 2009. Blockchains are the foundation of cryptocurrencies and a simplified payment verification process. It’s expected blockchain technology will mature...
Sina Estavi arrested in Iran
Sina Estavi, CEO of Bridge Oracle (BRG token), owner of Cryptoland, one of Iran's largest cryptocurrency exchange platforms, and admin of hundreds of Telegram and Instagram pages the most popular Best of Persian with over 2 million followers was reportedly arrested on 17th May for crimes of economic corruption...