CarSeer raised six-figure Seed

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The Jordanian vehicle history announcing platform CarSeer has announced raising a six-figure Seed round from Arzan Venture Capital and more to be said.

The platform was founded back in 2015 by Hashim Hasan and Amjad Al-Zabin. The platform gives help with the appraisal of pre-owned vehicles determined to ensure everyone with protection firms, and foundations from misdirecting data so that people can rely on such platform with hope. CarSeer reports are the first since forever vehicle history reports given in the Arabic language which also works in bilingual directions and that is very convenient.

It has build up a complete innovating movement in the region and has constructed a complete vehicle history data set comprising of millions of records from confided in sources like car offices, government divisions, and protection firms and that’s not all. The information comes from the USA, Europe, Japan, South Korea, and nearby sources and they are completely reliable for the public to get informed. Each CarSeer report is confirmed by Jordan Customs and Emirates Authority For Standardization and Metrology, the two of which acknowledge CarSeer reports as a reason for evaluating the appropriateness of vehicles for street use in every country making the whole process seamless and convenient for everyone.

“This investment marks the launch of CarSeer’s vehicle history reporting beyond the borders of Jordan. We are looking forward to grasping this opportunity and achieving our vision of becoming the focal source of information on used cars in the region,” said, the Co-Founder of CarSeerm Amjad Al-Zabin.

“Am I getting my money’s worth? This is the big question on the mind of every used car buyer. CarSeer fills the huge information gap and helps answer this question by building the region’s largest and most comprehensive cross-border vehicle history report database. COVID has affected the used cars market negatively in terms of overall transactions, but, at the same time, it created an opportunity for CarSeer to digitize one of the crucial parts of the transaction while reducing unnecessary physical interaction and saving time,” said Partner at Arzan Venture Capital, Laith Zraikat.

With the fresh funding, CarSeer is planning to expand its platform even further and more specifically, in the GCC region to grow more.